1 Jour 1 Chanson Dictators : New York New Yok

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New York, New York – YouTube

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Smoking marijuana
Watching channel five
Got to get my strength up
In this struggle to survive

Everyone’s an asshole
Everyone’s a creep
I look out my window
And there’s garbage in the streets

I live in the city
I breathe dirty air
I ride trains with be -boys
Junkies, queens and squares

Everybody’s hungry
I don’t know what to do
I used to live on pizza
Now I live on Chinese food

I can’t stand my neighbors
Screaming all the time
If I wasn’t blasting Sister ray
I could lose my mind

I live in the city
I breathe dirty air
I ride trains with be -boys
Junkies, queens and squares

Safely someone’s smiling
The fat man waits his turn
Soon he’ll count his money
While the south Bronx slowly burns
Get out for the children
Get your ass and run
Get out of this stinkin mess
To a safe suburban slum

I live in the city
I breathe dirty air
I ride trains with be -boys
Junkies, queens and squares

Auteurs-compositeurs : Andy Shernoff
Pour utilisation non commerciale uniquement.
Données de : Musixmatch

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